Are You Ready?
Be Proactive. Be Prepared. Be Responsive.
Strategic coaching, planning, training and practical exercises and drills so that your organization is prepared to respond effectively.

Do you know what the answer is? If not, we need to talk!
I learned from survivors, family members and responders what was vitally important to them during and after the crisis response.
The need was so significant it became the focal point of my response work.
It is time to turn the crisis response process upside down — beginning with the
end in mind!
I am an experienced crisis response strategist who has responded to multiple transportation fatality accidents.
I have personally assisted families who lost loved ones in an accident and have commanded hundreds of volunteers who responded to the survivors and families of those tragedies.
Ready to stress test your crisis response plan? Ready to make a difference?
Working together, I will show you how.
Is your organization prepared to respond effectively?
Have you ever had to lead 500+ volunteer company team members through a company crisis? Is everyone in the organization on the same page with how the organization will respond? Are all the stakeholders identified? Priorities identified? Plans drafted? Checklists created? Responders trained? Do you have a continuous improvement plan in place for your crisis response plan?
My continuous improvement plan was responding to multiple crisis’ time and time again. Each response was fine-tuned based on what was learned from the previous response. What we learned may surprise you. Exercising, practicing and conducting drills are a needed component to executing your response when necessary. We also learned identifying your key priorities are even more important. Priorities Not Procedures ™ is most effective when putting together your plan.
Command and Control (C2)
Command and Control (C2) is essential during a crisis response, however, what does it actually mean? More importantly, do all your employees and crisis responders know what it means? How does one effectively command and control the response? I believed I understood what C2 was until I led multiple responses each with over 500 employees reporting to multiple command centers. Command with Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is vital to a successful Command and Control operation. Yet in crisis mode, many leaders default to an autocratic style of leadership. Understanding the humanity behind command and control will change the way you lead a response and how your team responds to your leadership.
Learn how to Humanize Command and Control and increase the overall effectiveness of your crisis response.